Residency FAQ

One of the main functions of the CULTURHUB is our collaborative online residency for culture organizations. This residency acts as a think tank and incubator for digital cultural solutions and exploring future forms of coproduction and collaboration. Our mission is to help organizations navigate digital possibilities and explore available technological solutions together to serve the culture ecosystem.

Who can apply? We welcome proposals by professionals from all forms of arts and culture, individual experts, and representatives from organizations to join the community as partners.

What are the benefits of joining the CULTURHUB community? CULTURHUB will host a minimum of three seminars/workshops for all partners during the autumn of 2024 (free of charge) to participate hub’s future and and initiate collaborations with partners from the entire community – as a true hub should do. Partners are also granted early access to follow and explore Art House Turku’s forthcoming Virtual Art House development already when the platform goes to beta-phase. (Virtual Art House launching public in Metaverse 2025).

Who gets to co-develop the CULTURHUB? Every partner has a chance to affect future development, but in the first stage, some of the partners are curated to join the development of the entire platform from the ground up. Co-developers’ digital residency will take place during the autumn of 2024 with the task of finding best practices for enabling the whole community to function together and equally.

When and what is the CULTURHUB residency? Residency is 100% non-physical and will be held through online meetings and extending to virtual meetings in the metaverse. The first co-developer residency takes place between September – December 2024. The residency period consists of about 15 digital meetings, where CULTURHUB will mainly host the meetings to guide participants through the process.

What about co-production? At the beginning of 2025, CULTURHUB co-productions residency takes place with the goal of joining the production of a Biennial scale international cultural event, which will include various cultural productions and events in physical, digital, and virtual platforms simultaneously. The open call for this second residency will be announced in September 2024.

Virtuality and the physical? Metaverse and virtual platform opens a wide range of opportunities to expand and enchant physical activities. Think of physical residencies reacting with other physical residencies through virtual platform and having quest visitors from around the globe connecting the residents. This is just one example of the possibilities of CULTURHUB’s future.

Why and how digital? During the residency, participants are encouraged to explore the potential of digital, virtual, and metaverse environments and collaboration freely. Virtual Art House, launching in Metaverse 2025 aims to feature several venues for digital and virtual productions and with the possibility to expand the virtual spaces for the needs of the CULTURHUB community.

What are you waiting for? Apply now!

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