CULTURHUB brings together international cultural professionals and organizations to share their expertise and resources. One of the hub’s core activities is a digital co-residency for cultural professionals and organizations, which acts as an incubator and a think tank to develop new forms of co-production and collaboration, as well as the culture of the platform itself.

The CULTURHUB community is open for applications through an open call and It is aimed at cultural professionals and organizations.

Let’s start co-creating the future – together!

All community partners will have early access to follow and explore the future development of the Digital Art House already in the beta phase of the project (Virtual Art House will be launching in metaverse 2025).

In the development of the Virtual Art House, we aim to build versatile spaces for digital and virtual cultural productions, both for exhibiting and collaborative practises. We also intend to open the possibility to expand the facilities to meet the needs of the CULTURHUB community. In addition, CULTURHUB will organize at least three seminars/workshops for all partners during autumn 2024 (free of charge).

Some partners will be curated to participate in the co-development of the whole CULTURHUB platform through this open call, towards a non-hierarchical working model for the community. The development work will take place through a digital residency in autumn 2024.

Culture professionals and organizations can join CULTURHUB through an open call. The project is part of the NextGeneration EU-funded Digital Art House project.

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