Turku Student Theatre courses for autumn 2024: Basics of Acting

TIME: Tuesdays 17.9.-26.11. at 18:30-20:30 (Tues 15.10. autumn break also during the course) (total 20h)

This course is a low-threshold introduction to the basic elements of acting. In this course, students will learn that acting involves a wide range of physical, psychological and social aspects, and that by immersing themselves in these aspects, they can get more out of acting. The teaching is based on each student’s own starting point and is beginner-friendly. The course also aims to have fun and enjoy working together creatively. The course is ideal for anyone interested in acting and does not require any previous experience or background knowledge.

Course instructor Kaisa Eräpuro has a Master’s degree in Education and a minor in Drama Education. She has extensive experience in teaching and guiding theatre to different groups.

Welcome to the course!

TIME: Tuesdays 17.9.-26.11. at 18:30-20:30 (total 20h).
PLACE: Turku Student Theatre (Nunnankatu 4, Turku), main building of the Art House, TYT performance space.
PRICE: basic price 100€
Reduced price (students, pensioners, unemployed) 90€
Member price (TYT, TNT and TYY) 80€
The course is supported by KSL Opintokeskus.
