Introductory talk Yllin kyllin II -exhibition: Renja Leino, Tania Slobodianik, Nickita Tsoy & Polina Choni
- 27.08.2023 11.00—18.00
Tehdasrakennuksen toinen kerros, Pääsali
Renja Leino (s. 1958) on Korppoossa asuva kuvataiteilija sekä AARK taideresidenssin perustaja ja johtaja. Turun taideakatemiassa Kuvataiteen koulutuksessa valokuvauksen lehtorina 1998-2023.
Videoteos Playground 2023 käsittelee ihmisen ja villin luonnon suhdetta.
Leino työskentelee sisältölähtöisesti eri menetelmin videon, valokuvan, installaation sekä maalauksen keinoin. Saaristo ja maailmantapahtumat ovat usein läsnä teoksissa.
Parhaillaan mukana kesänäyttelyssä Tuntematon Itämeri. John Nurmisen säätiö, Suomenlinna. Esillä videot Darling Sea sekä Generations of Joy. sekä Tuuli – Vind -ääniteos 7h55min tarinoita suomeksi ja ruotsiksi. Näyttely on avoinna 15.9.2023 asti.
Instagram: @artist_renjaleino

Tania Slobodianik
Tania is photographer/director/visual artist born in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine in 1982. She is a documentary photographer and filmmaker who devotes her creative quest to the study of personal boundaries and their vulnerability, the fragility of the human personality, and the possibilities for interacting with the outside world.

Nickita Tsoy
Nickita Tsoy was born in 1991in Kyiv city in Ukraine. He finished two art schools, national Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture and Kiev academy of media art. He works on a historical story about the post-ideological climate of recent decades.He considers man as a bearer of ideological consciousness, who is looking for his own basis and explores its acceptance and dissonance with himself.This is the search for the boundary between anatomical and antianatomical.Between truth and distortion of truth.

Polina Choni
When a drop of ink from a rusty iron falls on ink from poppies or bird cherry blossoms, a stain is formed, similar to a crater from the shelling of Ukrainian land, which is bombed by russians every day.
Nature is a source of inspiration for me, driving my exploration of biodiversity and the harmonious coexistence of humans with the environment. The main focus of my recent artworks is the ecological impact of the war in Ukraine. My current practice reflects my commitment to raising awareness about the environmental consequences and advocating for a more sustainable future.
1. Me on my exhibition “Chemical Reaction”, 2022, photo Hlib Burlakov. 2. Polina Choni, collages of paper strips covered by inks made from various natural ingredients collected in Ukraine, 2022.