(July 19-20) The multidisciplinary ILMIÖ festival will once again take over the Taiteen talo and Brinkkala neighborhoods. Festival is free entry and filled with a variety of multidisciplinary art and music for all.

At ILMIÖ festival, all forms of art are celebrated; music ranges from dreampop to techno and from folk to rap. Multidisciplinary art can be experienced through video, visual art, performances, workshops, immersive theater and drag.

ILMIÖ festival has an age limit of 18, but on Saturday from 3 PM to 6 PM, children aged 0-12 accompanied by an adult are also welcome.

For the ILMIÖ festival program schedule and accessibility information, visit:


Please note that you are not allowed to bring large backpacks or bags to the galleries. Also, no drinks or food may be brought into the gallery space. Last summer the festival area was visited by around 4,500 people a day and it is likely that this year there will be a large number of visitors and you should therefore be prepared for galleries to limit the number of visitors to their premises.