Jussi Virkkumaa

Establishing Art House Turku is a candidate in the Culture Act of the Year award category of the Finnish Culture Gala, the winner of which is chosen by public vote. The voting period is 12.10.–2.11.2023 and the winner will be announced on 24.11. at the Culture Gala broadcasted live by Finnish Broadcasting company (Yle).

“Sure, we believe in our victory” says Art House Turku’s CEO Jere Pensikkala. “Yet we see that the nomination itself is a big thing and honor for us. It shows that the work of hundreds of people, artists and creative industry plus politicians and city officials alike, has carried out a tremendous success.” continues Pensikkala.

Art House Turku was established based on a strong co-operation between art organisations and the city of Turku. The partners shared a passion to develop Turku’s Old City as an attractive location in the city by focusing on arts and creative businesses. The possibility to create something unique was a strong driver.

Vote Art House Turku to be the Culture Act of the year in Finland by 2nd of November 2023 in www.kulttuurigaala.fi/yleisoaanestys Please note, that the voting require’s an active Yle account.