Tue-Sun 12-18
Open during ILMIÖ 2024 from 12 to 00

Opening on Thursday 4 July from 6 pm to 8 pm
The artist will be present at the opening and during the hanging of the exhibition from 1 to 4 July 2024.

In July, the Critical Gallery will dive into the rubbish and the changes. Ragnar elnyG has exhibited his work extensively, but this is his first solo show.

Many of the works are about transitioning. But not only from female to male. Transitioning from the realm of the imaginary to the real world, from scattered knowledge to constructed performances, from an experience into a video, from unwanted garbage to an installation, from one stage of life to the other.

I often work with my body. But I am more focused on its potentiality as a human body than its very individuality. Indeed, top surgery or gender reassignment are an opportunity to document an

unusual journey, whether it is physical modifications or learning experiences, to attempt to become left-handed, to dance on pointe, to play the violin… In the frame of that project, I would like to explore further its potentiality.

Ragnar elnyG: If I Say / ‘My Kingdom for a Cookie’ I Have a Very Cheap Kingdom, installation (detail), 2023
Photographer: Teemu Mäki