Turku Student Theatre autumn 2024 courses: Improvisation beginners’ course

TIME: Tuesdays 17.9.-26.11. at 16:15-18:15 (total 20h)
Tue 3.12. final show of the course

The Basics of Improvisation is for people who have no previous experience of improvisation or who have been improvising for some time. There is also the possibility to come to the course to refresh the basics of improvisation, even if you have more previous improvisation experience. The course will mainly practice the basics of short improvisation with a low threshold and in good spirit. At the beginning, the basic pillars of improvisation are introduced, acceptance and self-sacrifice, and a safe and trusting atmosphere is created within the group. This is followed by a focus on the skills essential to improvisation, such as presence, listening, offering, influencing, helping a friend and the joy of making a mess. The course also provides tools for creating physics, character and storytelling in short scene techniques, among others. In the course, play and humour will be an integral part of every session and improvisation will be approached through a variety of improv games, games and scene techniques. The course culminates in a low-threshold demo evening where students can show what they have learned and try out what improvisation feels like.

The course will be taught by theatre-director and long-time improviser Alina Kilpinen. Kilpinen is a theatre multi-tasker who has worked as a theatre director, actor, teacher and scriptwriter in recent years. Kilpinen has been teaching improvisation since 2015 and performs as an improviser herself, for example in Improryhmä Läsnäolopako.

Welcome to the course!

TIME: Tuesdays 17.9.-26.11. at 16:15-18:15 (Tues 15.10. autumn holiday also during the course) (total 20h)
Tue 3.12. final show of the course
PLACE: Turku Student Theatre (Nunnankatu 4, Turku), main building of the Art House, TYT performance space.
PRICE: basic price 100€
Reduced price (students, pensioners, unemployed) 90€
Member price (TYT, TNT and TYY) 80€
