Turku Rock Academy will bring its best talent and young promise to the stage of the Art House courtyard for two days on 14-15 June in a completely free of charge event.

On Friday evening, the gates to the event will open at 17.00 and on Saturday, the event will start at 15.00.

Friday 14.6.2024
17:30–18:00 Nemesis
18:15–18:45 Brainterror
19:00–19:30 Kantor
19:45–20:30 Destiny Inveiled
20:45–21:30 Toivo-Olavi

Saturday 15.6.2024
15:00–15:30 Amania
15:45–16:15 Naloxone
16:30–17:00 Again
17:15–18:00 Whiteout
18:15–19:00 Kalpeat Varjot

Free entry! No age limit! Welcome!