Turku Animated Film Festival, affectionately known as TAFF, is collaborating this year with Taiteen talo and is showing screenings from Turun Anikistit and The Animation Guild throughout the whole festival week.

On Saturday 26 August TAFF Junior invites kids to make their own animation! Animators will also share tips on how everyone can make animations at home with help of common tools and objects. Turun Anikistit will lead a pop-up animation workshop for kids of all ages at Taiteen talo with free admission.

Turun Anikistit screening offers funny and touching moments of short animation by its members, and gives a glimpse to the Anikisti mentality: short films produced together celebrate friendship and collaboration. 

The Finnish Animation Guild’s 25th anniversary screening presents a varied selection of Finnish animated short films throuhgout the years. The animation deal with humane themes skillfully utilising different techniques.

Turku Animated Film Festival 23.-27.8.2023

TAFF Junior pop up animation workshop
Taiteen talo, 1st floor
26 August 1-4 pm
Free admission

TAFF X Turun Anikistit & Animation Guild
Taiteen talo, Mediastudio 2nd floor
Mon-Wed 21.-23.8. & Fri-Sun 25.-27.8.: Turun Anikistit
Thu 24.8.: The Finnish Animation Guild
Every day 11 am – 6 pm

For all ages, free admission