Exhibition open 17.6.-30.7.2024
Mon-Sun 11-18

The Migration Institute of Finland is celebrating its 50th anniversary and is organizing a lot of anniversary events and programs in different parts of Finland. One series of events is the “Research Seminar on the Move” seminars in eight different university cities during the jubilee year. In connection with the seminars, a roll-up exhibition will also tour the cities, based on the Migration Institute’s “Tervetuloa, tervemenoa” podcast series by journalist Nadja Mikkonen. The podcast series has been financed by Tieteen tiedotus ry.

More information about the exhibition on the Migration Institute website.

The Migration Institute of Finland has also published a 50th anniversary book called Tervetuloa, tervemenoa – Suomi muuttoliikkeessä, which is also based on Mikkonen’s podcast series. The exhibition’s illustration consists of e.g. old photos from the Migration Institute’s archive and Nora Sayyad’s photographs.