Opening 25.6.2024 klo 17–19

Mon-Sun 12-18

Artist Lena Kuivisto’s soloexhibition “Beautiful Life” opens on June 25th at Gallery Aski. Kuivisto brings her latest paintings to the summer exhibition, which explores beauty, love, and the feeling that everything is well through abstract paintings. The works in the exhibition have been created spontaneously, and the painting process has been rapid.

Kuivisto primarily paints abstract paintings with acrylic paints on canvas, with the most common painting size being 90 x 90 cm, but now the artist is also fond of the size 150 x 150 cm. Elements of action painting, or drip painting, can be seen in the large-scale paintings exhibited. Action painting is a painting style characterized by bold gestures and the spontaneous dripping or splattering of paint rather than careful application. The works are predominantly pink in color and have a misty essence.

Lena Kuivisto lives and works as an artist in Turku. After graduating, she held several solo exhibitions and participated in several group exhibitions. After having a child, there was a natural break in organizing exhibitions, and the break continued as she worked as an art teacher in high school. Since 2019, Lena Kuivisto has primarily painted watercolor and acrylic paintings. Lena Kuivisto works in Turku at the Art House Turku.

Lena Kuivisto: Beautiful life III, acrylic on canvas, 150×150 cm, 2024