Six works of Ukrainian visual artist and illustrator Nataliia Deineka are on display in the exhibition. “War Diary” collage, “Roads Home” installation, three graphic works: “June 6, 2023“, “Ours“, “If houses like trees could bloom in spring” and the “Ukrainian Madonna” icon.

All of Deineka’s latest works are reflections on the theme of war, home, homeland, self-identity, existential searches.

Artist stopped believing in pure art, art for art’s sake. In times of war, art cannot be outside of politics. Ukrainian art cannot be outside of war now.

With this exhibition, Deineka wants to remind the worried world:

Ukraine has been at war since February 20, 2014.

Russia attacked Ukraine.

Russia is a terrorist  state.

Leadership of russia are war criminals.

Every day, russians kill Ukrainians, military and civilians.

The war must be stopped.

Justice must be restored.

Evil must be punished.

Ukraine must return its lands.

Help Ukraine, support Ukrainians.

Be on the side of Good!