Mars – War Gods & Masculinity exhibition 28.8.-13.10.2024 daily between 8am to 10pm.

We are being reached by horrifying news about wars more or less daily. For a long time they have felt distant and something that doesn’t concern us anymore, until Russia invaded Ukraine. War in our consciousness isn’t something that just happens in the Middle East anymore. Also, the situation in Israel and Palestine has raised a global attention to war crimes and atrocities or war.

This exhibition is part of Turun Kulttuurin kärkihanke and Aboagora program 2024, and explores the connection between patriarchal cultural values, masculinity and war.

Texts: Nana Blomqvist. Images & Graphic Design: Paul Krispijn. Technical Execution: Nana Blomqvist & Paul Krispijn. Co-operation with Taiteen talo.

Vernissage the 28th of August at 18