David Muth is an artist, musician and programmer. His artistic practice combines conceptual and experimental approaches and is informed by his background in architecture. His projects range from installations and responsive environments, through video and photography, to composition and performance of music. His work has been exhibited, screened and performed internationally. Institutions he has taught at include the Royal College of Art (2005-2017) and Goldsmiths University of London (since 2007). He holds an MA in Digital Arts from Middlesex University, London (2000).

About the Work

The video piece “Subdivisons” (2023) seeks to explore the question of when a work that follows an algorithmic logic can be considered as a “work of art”. The American patent law reflects the idea that mathematical formulas are objects that are to be discovered and not created: these simply cannot be patented. But how many permutations that undermine the underlying “mathematical necessities” does it take for a piece to be “creative”? The video flickers, black bars move around the screen. After some time a complete blank again: the process starts over.