Veikko Björk
Pauliina Turakka Purhonen: The Burning Oak (working title, detail), textile, approx. 250 x 500 cm, 2024.

Exhibition opening: Thursday 2.5.2024, at 18–20

The new exhibition of Critical Gallery present textile works, by Helsinki-based visual artist Pauliina Turakka Purhonen, which take over the entire gallery space.

“I move the patches on the fabric, and they organize as pictures that sharpen when I am stitching. I add more
patches, open the stitches and take out decisions I have made earlier, or I diminish its weight. Patchwork is
like painting, but it is less final. Everything is always in motion, transferable, albeit slowly.”

PAULIINA TURAKKA PURHONEN (b. 1971) is a painter and sculptor born in Haapavesi, currently living in Helsinki. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki and graduated with a MA degree in 2003.

Turakka Purhonen has exhibited her works in numerous solo and group exhibitions. She has works in the collections of Aine Art Museum, Amos Anderson Museum, EMMA, HAM, Kiasma, Oulu Art Museum, Paulo Foundation, Pro Artibus Foundation and WAM, among others. She was awarded the State Prize for the Visual Arts in 2016, and she was an Ars Fennica candidate in 2014.

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