CULTURHUB OPEN CALL #1 has now ended and we are contacting new partners in our community. We are starting the first online residency with the partners selected through the open call to co-develop the CULTURHUB platform.

One of the main tasks of CULTURHUB is to provide a collaborative online residency for cultural professionals. This residency will serve as a think tank and research laboratory for the potential of digital culture. Residency explores and develops models of artistic collaboration, production structures, and ecosystem vitality. Our mission is to help organizations navigate digital environments and explore available technological solutions as enablers of collaboration.

Every community partner has the opportunity to influence future development. The goal is to find best practices that enable the entire community to work together collaboratively and equitably. In the first residency, the partners involved will reflect on the functioning and structure of the whole community. Some members of the community are selected as mentors for the residency, and the process is also opened up to the whole community, so all members of the community have the opportunity to comment on the progress.

The residency will start in September 2024 and run until the end of November. Participants and mentors will be announced in September when the residency starts.

If you missed the call, don’t worry! You can still apply to become a Community Partner. New partnership applications are processed twice a month and you can submit your application at any time. We are also preparing for our next OPEN CALL #2, coming in September 2024, where we will focus on co-productions in digital and VR+Metaverse environments.

CULTURHUB project is part of the NextGeneration EU-funded Digital Art House project.

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