Vesa Aaltonen

I’m a photographer and photo artist. My professional knowledge is based on a wide range of activities. I observe the surrounding world, endlessly sketching new subjects through my camera. Forest and nature
are at the centre of my work, but I also capture cultural landscapes, especially in my hometown Turku. I’ve been working as a news and theatre photographer as well as a photography teacher. I’ve also hosted
several international self-portrait workshops. In addition, I work as a museum photographer for various art museums and an artwork photographer for several artists. This has shaped my perspective and some times taken my expression in a more abstract direction.

This year, I’ve been studying the work of earlier artists in order to juxtapose, combine, interpret or comment on the works through my own art. I’m also working on a large piece of public art. I’m very interested in integrating photo art into architecture for the possibilities are limitless.