Lilli Haapala

I am a visual artist based in Turku. I mainly work with installations, sculpture and video, often using elements of nature as part of my artworks.

In my art, I explore human’s relationship with the natural environment, especially in relation to different landscapes, water and plants. Underwater worlds and dreams from the subconscious inspire me, in addition to the natural sciences. In previous years, I have worked on utopia-themed projects, which are still included in the topics of my works. Multidisciplinary projects such as experimental projects between science and art, or music and visual arts interests me also, because they often result in something completely new. I have worked several times in the Archipelago in different residencies and I also am a member of the Aark (artists’ residence association in Korppoo). I graduated from the Helsinki Academy of Fine Arts with a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2017, and a visual artist degree from the Turku Academy of Fine Arts in 2015. My works have been presented in several exhibitions and events in Finland and abroad. I have also made environmental artworks for among other things in the Archipelago. I also work as a photographer and videographer, and as a workshop instructor.