Turku Animated Film Festival: Sprained scenes 21.8.–1.9.2024

Turku Animated Film Festival – TAFF is an international film festival that celebrates the art of animation and the creative mind. The festival will be held for the ninth time in Finland’s animation capital, Turku, on August 21–25 2024.

In Gallery Aski’s exhibition, TAFF lets the viewer experience the special and different aspects of animation. The zoetropes of Oulu-based animation and media artist Leevi Lehtinen refer to an early technique of animation, a rotating disc, where movement brings images to life.

The flipbooks – the flipping animation notebooks familiar from childhood – of animation artist Heikki Saikkonen, who graduated from the Turku Arts Academy last year, take a mechanical form and react to the viewer’s movement. Danish animation director Pernille Kjaer’s dark animation stills lead to a mystery… What is the story about? Pernille Kjaer is also a member of the TAFF jury and is selecting the award-winning films.

The wall-sized mechanical animation installation by Turun Anikistit takes the viewer into a grandma’s cottage, where the brought-to-life table decorations endlessly repeat their chores. The authors behind the joint work Pysähtynyt elämä are the members of Turun Anikistit ry: Sade Lahti, Lauri Järvenpää, Frida Lindholm, Tommi Juutilainen, Reetta Halkosaari, Antti Laakso and Mirka Raasakka.

The exhibition has been curated by the festival director of TAFF Annika Dahlsten.

”Sprained scenes” will open on 20 August and can be seen until Sunday 1 September.

Turku Animated Film Festival

More than 2100 short films applied for TAFF’s competition series this year. Out of the films submitted, over 20 different programs have been curated and close to 200 films will be shown at the festival. In addition to the international and national competition series, the festival’s program includes various themed and special shows, exhibitions and workshops.

The festival joy spreads in different forms around the city of Turku, but the home and the bumping heart of the screenings is located at the Manilla Cultural Factory on the banks of the Aura River. In Taiteen talo at Café Elephanten, TAFF is also on display on Saturday August 24 at 15 & 16 o’clock. The program includes a TAFF Junior special screening with films suitable for the whole family from the animation education archives of Turku Arts Academy.

Welcome to the opening 20th of August at 5 pm.

More about the festival: www.taff.fi.